Jamaica Basic Schools Foundation UK

Welcome to

Jamaica Basic Schools Foundation UK

Jamaica’s Children

Their Education

Our Vision

Our Mission

“To assist in the early development of early childhood education in Jamaica by improving the quality of pre-school education and learning environment”

Founder & Chair – Josephine Williams

What we do

We give them the tools to learn!

The Foundation delivers annual fundraising events including a glamorous autumn Charity Fundraising Ball and a spectacular Summer Park Event.

Both events are open to the public and serve to promote awareness of the charity in its efforts to contribute towards the development and needs within the Jamaican early childhood education sector.

The funds raised go towards:

Our Approach

A Joint Approach to making a difference

The Foundation will assist basic Schools by providing facilities for the education, development and recreation of their students and the training and development of teachers. The Foundation works closely with counterpart organisations in Jamaica that can play a collaborative role in effecting its undertaking. One such body is The Dudley Grant Memorial Trust which was established in Jamaica in 1989. The Jamaica Ministry of Education will also be a key partner in the Foundation’s ongoing activities.

On trips to Jamaica, the Charity tours the various schools across the country to identify how and where the funds raised from events can be distributed.

School Resource & Upgrade Grant

For our anniversary, we are offering qualifying basic schools across Jamaica a small grant of £300 each.


The following Terms & Conditions apply:

  1. Your school must be registered with the Ministry of Education.
  2. Grant must be used exclusively for the purpose set out in your application.
  3. Supporting information outlining the purpose the grant will be used for MUST be conveyed
  4. JBSF will use your school’s name in its publicity materials.
  5. The grant will not be increased if there is an overspend.
  6. Your school will acknowledge JBSF’s grant in all official reports.
  7. All financial records including official receipts must be kept for at least 2 years after grant is received. These must be made available upon request from JBSF.
  8. Grant must be spent within 2 months of receipt.
  9. The school must have or be working towards opening an account with Victoria Mutual Building Society (VMBS) in order to receive the grant.
  10. There must be before and after pictures to show use of funds.

Our UK Food Project

Nourishing Families, One Meal at a Time

We’re passionate about making a difference in the lives of families, not just in Jamaica but right here in the UK. Introducing our Food Project, an initiative designed to combat food insecurity and ensure that every family has access to nourishing meals.

In the UK, many families face the challenge of putting food on the table every day. The Food Project is our response to this pressing issue, aiming to provide vital support to those in need. Whether it’s a single parent struggling to make ends meet or a family facing unexpected financial hardship, we’re here to lend a helping hand.

Fundraising Events

Our Upcoming Events

The Foundation delivers annual fundraising events including a glamorous autumn Charity Fundraising Ball and a spectacular Summer Park Event.

Both events are open to the public and serve to promote awareness of the charity in its efforts to contribute towards the development and needs within the Jamaican early childhood education sector.

Our 2024 10k Run/Walk For Hope will be held on Sunday 15th September 2024 at Crystal Palace Park.

Due to Unforeseen Circumstances this event has been postponed. Further Details Coming Soon!

In the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, we will be looking do something to support those in need.

Please watch this space for more information in the coming weeks.

Make A Donation

Why Donate?

In Jamaica, the Schools within the Basic School sectors suffer from severe shortage of adequate learning material and resources which are crucial for early childhood development. Resources that are taken for granted in developed countries are not readily available to those needy schools. Some of the schools, in particular those in the more rural areas have to function under conditions of poor ventilation and lighting, inadequate furniture, poor kitchen and toilet facilities and deteriorating buildings. Such conditions are not conducive to providing an environment with supports the learning process.

The Basic schools in Jamaica need your help to fulfil their potential. It is envisage that we will adopt further basic schools with the aim of promoting model schools across the island – helps us to accomplish a lot more! We want you to share in our commitment and encourage you to participate in a worthwhile cause.

For more information please contact us.